Du betrachtest gerade Roadtrip Preparations – Part #2

Roadtrip Preparations – Part #2

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Roadtrip
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Before I start my street music tour to Lisbon, I’m heading back to Hamburg from Karlsruhe for a few reasons. Sure, it’s not necessarily on the way, but the anticipation is huge – and driving gives you plenty of time to think.

I now know this route inside out, and I’m on first-name terms with the speed cameras. Today I even flashed a speed camera! Meanwhile, my thoughts wandered back to 2013, when I moved from Freiburg to Hamburg to get ahead with my music. Back then, I was still playing bass for Jimi Satan’s Shoe Shop and commuted between Hamburg and Freiburg at least once a month – for rehearsals and co

I listened to old songs on the trip and created a dynamic playlist – it grows with the journey. Currently on it: Findus, Herrenmagazin, Turbostaat, Heisskalt and of course Jimi Satan.

Check out the full playlist on Spotify here

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